
Sunday, February 23, 2014

My Juice Cleanse...Day Eight and Counting!

For the past eight days I have been on a Juice Cleanse.  Normally, I wouldn't do something so's not like eat a bad diet or need to loose weight but I just haven't been feeling well--very fatigued.  So I went to see my doctor and she did the standard blood work-up and referred me to a nutritionist.  I've never had any interest to see a nutritionist, but I thought it can't hurt and I was curious.  Well, it was basically a waste of an hour and $320 dollars, which thankfully was covered under my insurance, but still.  The first thing she asked me is where I get my protein from since I am vegan...seriously?  She then recommended a diet of 1800-2200 calories per day, based on my activity level and that I should consume 75 grams of protein per day!!!  I almost laughed.  This is so old school.  Seventy-five grams of protein per day would put a strain on my liver.  I believe that my protein should fall in the range of 10-20% of calories consumed.  Anyway, she gave me a booklet with food groups for managing diabetes and I was on my merry way.  Again, diabetes??? my glucose level is 81! 

So here I am on day eight of my juice fast.  Why, I'm not sure but I do feel better.  Don't get me wrong, this is not a walk in the park.  Some days I feel great, full of energy and not even hungry and other days I'm sluggish and starved.  I basically drink three 16-20 juices per day and since I don't need to lose weight, every other day I blend up a fiber-protein packed smoothie, full of calories, but low on the sugar.  However, I still have lost about five pounds, perhaps more.  I also drink herbal tea and a liver cleansing turmeric-ginger-lemon concoction in the evening.  I'm not certain how long I plan to stay on this, but for now it's working for me!

Farmer's Market Run
Below are some of my favorite juices I have been making:  Beet Blast, Creamy Greens and Sicilian Screamer.  Not certain why I give them names, but it's more interesting than red, green and orange juice drinks...:-)!  Each recipe makes 16-24 ounces of juice depending on the size of your veggies.  During the work week I usually juice everything at once and seal the juices tightly in mason jars to prevent oxidation.  This way, I can take them to work without losing nutrients and having them oxidize.  By the way, juicing is not cheap.  Everything I purchase is organic and I spend about the equivalent of $20 per day or more on my juices.  This does not include my normal grocery list for items that I purchase for my husband's breakfast and dinner.

Beet Blast

Beet Blast
1 small-medium beet
1 green apple
1 small-medium cucumber
2 carrots
1/4 inch slice of lemon
1 inch piece of ginger

Creamy Greens

Creamy Greens (My favorite--I could drink this all day!  You juice first and then pour it into a blender and then blend in the avocado...just delicious!)
1/4 or 1/2 fennel bulb depending on size
1 small green apple
1 green ripe pear
1 small-medium cucumber
1 stalk celery
1/2 bunch spinach
1/4 inch slice of lemon
1/4 avocado

Sicilian Screamer
Sicilian Screamer (This is another personal favorite.  Add a couple dashes of your favorite hot sauce, cayenne pepper or a seeded red fresno chili for the heat to taste.)
3 large or five small-medium ripe tomatoes
2 or three carrots depending on size
1/2 red bell pepper
1 small to medium cucumber
1 stalk celery
4 sprigs parsley
1/4 inch slice of lemon
Hot sauce to taste

If you're interested stay tuned...more of my favorite juice recipes to follow...Sweet Potato-Cantaloupe-Orange-Carrot-Turmeric, and also a Fennel-Grapefruit-Apple-Spinach, basically, one of my favorite salads in a glass!  To your health!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Big Game Day Salsa

Nothing is better than homemade salsa...well...except homemade guacamole!  I just can't bring myself to purchase store bought salsa unless it is made fresh daily.  Making salsa is so easy and there is no recipe.  Some people like a chunky salsa such as pico de gallo, or a charred smokey salsa, but I have always preferred a simple blended salsa without a lot of chunks.

It all starts with the best tomatoes you can find because this is the base.  In the summer I use juicy heirloom tomatoes, but in winter the next best option is canned San Marzano Crushed Tomatoes.  From there you can build on flavor with finely minced white onion, garlic, jalapeno and cilantro.  And finish with freshly squeezed lime juice and sea salt.  

So simple, so yummy...and good for you too!  Enjoy the game and the food tomorrow...go Denver...Omaha!!!